What to do before the Super Bowl?

For a Patriots fan, I guess its time to rest up. Seriously, I'm not accustomed to this much calm and quiet for the first weekend in February.

By the way, Commissioner Taglibue, can we do something about the timing of the season? The Super Bowl used to be just after the holidays, but it keeps slipping later each year to line up better with cold weather Sundays, for maximum indoor TV viewership. Is it going to start running into baseball spring training?

Other than user Madden 2006 to simulate a Pats-Seahaks Super Bowl, not much doing this weekend. Pittsburgh-New England is supposed to be one of the NFL's new hot rivalries, and I have a hard time warming up to the Seahawks, although I love the city. Well, its in Detroit, so let's stay with another Rust Belt city -- Steelers 17, Seahawks 13.


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