Bluebird hiking in the North Cascades
This blog was originally created to log some of my hikes, so let’s do that. I’m staying at a cabin in the Cascades this weekend to spend time with family - reading, writing, playing cards and guitar. We’re right on the South Fork of the Skykomish in Index, Washington. I know it’s midwinter, and there was some consideration for a day trip over Stevens Pass to the faux Bavarian snowy mountain town of Leavenworth. But it was stunningly windless, cloudless and only in the low 40s. A sun-drenched Cascades bluebird day. (And we hadn’t brought skis.) So we headed up the Heybrook Lookout trail. It’s about 2.5 miles and 1000 feet vertical to reach an open fire tower with panoramic mountain views. With the weather, it wasn’t a surprise that th trail was crowded with lots of families and dogs. But honestly, cloudless and windless, and it could’ve been June as far as I’m concerned. No bugs, and even the mud was not bad; a little bit toward the bottom and a bit 2/3 of the way up. The only wind was ...