
Showing posts from March, 2007

There she is...

There she is... Originally uploaded by cmcnulty2000 . Some of Rachel's earliest smiles...

Red sweatshirt

Red sweatshirt Originally uploaded by cmcnulty2000 . Nate was rolling around on the lawn, and the last picture I got gave this amazing light on his face, with an expression I don't ever see on my two (almost three) year old.

What was I thinking???

OK, some of last fall's style awards were dead on. Some were not. Random thoughts and comments: Departed - Oscar. Spot on. Still haven't seen Little Childrem and neither has most of America. But I loved the book, and my wife loved the movie. I liked The Queen, but that's not a fall movie. Oh, yeah, love it when my two fave shows for the fall were The Nine (cancelled), and Studio "Sickly" on the Sunset Strip. Brilliant. Why not go on about Heroes, instead. Or Friday Night Lights. Or Galactica.... Haven't written in a while. Well, welcome to Earth, Rachel...and hooray. She's great.