
Showing posts from October, 2006

Early fall style awards -- TV and Music

A couple of early awards for this fall's TV and music pop culture events: Comeback of the Year: Nip/Tuck (FX Tuesday 10pm) They're back to the stylish, dark comic fun that made this show a gem originally, and that was sorely missing during the tired CSI:Miami "Carver" plotline. Joely Richardson's richly shaded performaces, week in and out, are the stuff of statues. Best New Show: The Nine (ABC Wednesday 10pm ), if the rest lives up to the pilot. Honorable mention -- Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (NBC Monday) -- I got chills wathcing the Gilbert/Sullivan parody-homage come together. Why Why Why? Survivor, The Bachelor, According to Jim. Why are they still on the air??? Who watches them? Fun CDs: Brazilian Girls, The Killers, Justin Timberlake, John Mayer Movies I can't wait to see: The Departed (will Scorsese finally get the Oscar); Little Children. Music rants and raves: I do really like Snow Patrol, but something about them reminds me of Moby. Remeber a ...

T.O. saga continues

I've written several times about l'affaire Owens, and his excursions from the 49ers, to the Philadelphia Eagles, and now to Dallas. (I've never understood how Cowboys fans, or even Parcells, can stomach the fact that the visiting receiver who once celebrated on the 50 yard line star at Texas Stadium is "now" a Cowboy, but we'll leave that for another post.) But enough on that. Whether his pills incident last week was a suicide attempt, or an overdoes, or a cry for attention, scarcely matters. It would seem to this observer that Terrell Owens has some sort of emotional or mental illness, and the only decent response to this is to hope that he gets treatment, and gets well. Privately.