Suggestions on ways to kill time before the Super Bowl
Madden 2005 -- let the computer play Eagles vs. Patriots at Jacksonville. See if TO plays. Convince yourself that Madden is in on the anti-Patriots "conspiracy"
Do not purchase brats or, God forbid, cheesesteak -- visit to get that perfect New England tailgate flavor.
Visit the Weather Channel site ( to check local temperatures in Jacksonville on Game Day; make mental note to actually go one of these winters. Plan ahead!
Work on your ultimate football mix CD: Rock and Roll Part II, For Those About To Rock, the Monday Night Football theme....umm, why not Rock and Roll Part II again?
Two words: face paint.
Revisit travel web sites to check one day advance purchase fare to Jacksonville -- $$$$(TK). Contemplate selling car. Reconsider -- according to Mapquest its an 18 hour drive, so you've got time.
Trip to video store. Completely out of Three Games to ...